Cell phones in today’s world and Safety measures to limit the radiation exposure

Cell phone once considered as luxury has now became a crucial and integral part of our daily life. Everyone from teenagers to old men has a personal cell phone of their own. With the latest advancements in the mobile industry, current generation cell phones are loaded with so many features and applications that it has become one in all. The multi functionality of cell phone has replaced so many other devices even it replaced laptops to some extent. Now we are in a world that we see people talking more in cell phones than with the people next to them. Not to exaggerate but this is true! We can see this scene in any party or function. But certainly there are many advantages with the cell phones that one can stay connected with the people while travelling, they become life savers in emergencies and you never feel bored at any time And at the same time we have to realize that the long term usage of cell phones is certainly putting our lives in risks. We all know that mobile phon...