Self-Esteem: Building A Positive Attitude

Hello friends, Its been a very long time since I blogged anything. The reason is all these days I was in a confusion about my future career options. As many of u know, currently I am staying at home looking after my 3n half yr old daughter. I left thinking about my career after the baby. These 3years I have enjoyed her each and every growing moment. But now the time has come to seriously think about my future as she is now started going to school full time. My options are very clear, either I should prefer staying at home for permanently as a home maker or I should start a career now. With my husband’s support I preferred starting my career as I personally feel and experienced the mind got lazy if u don’t keep engaged in something challenging. Even though mentally I am not ready yet, I dared to start with studies and got registered into M.Tech program this year with my husband’s support/pushing. As I kept my mind idle for years together, I lost the habit of takin...